Category Archives: Grounding

A Relaxing Video

Stress, regardless of the cause, can be debilitating for anyone. Over the last year we have all faced our share.

For many folks, sitting quietly watching a relaxing video, can be just what the doctor ordered.

If you need a break, this 5-minute video of our rose garden may be just what you need. So, find a comfortable position, take a few deep breaths and listen to Debussy’s Clair de Lune while you watch. Enjoy.

Getting to the Root of Things

This was written for me by a friend who enjoys our gardens. Both the perennials in the front of the house and the roses ‘out back.’
We all need roots in Mother Nature.

Blue Flower of Wellbeing

The blue flower
extends a single root
into the earth,

a gold thread
descending through
crust and the mantle,

to the iron core.
Your wellbeing,
your wealth,

your weal,
is a garden well
drawing water

toward sunlight,
toward fields
of blue flowers.

©Jon Obermeyer 2021

Are you Grounded?

Pop culture is filled with ways to keep you grounded psychologically but Biological Psychologist Helena Riess, Ph. D. says that it’s just as important to be physically grounded.

“We’ve gotten away from nature,” Dr. Riess says, “and we don’t even realize the negative impact it has on our health.”

When she refers to the concept of “grounding”, Dr. Riess means actual physical contact with the ground and nature. The benefits can range from the psychological well -being of relaxing in a natural environment to the physical impact of clean air.

Additionally, studies have shown that gardening and contact with bacteria in the soil can have a beneficial impact on human health. Ask any gardener how they feel after a day in the dirt and you can’t help but see the positive impact.

Dr. Riess says she is a firm believer in grounding or “earthing” as a way to control stress and improve overall wellness. Contact with the ground can release negative ions that build up in the body and can counteract the impact of free radicals according to Dr. Riess. She points to Clinton Ober’s groundbreaking book on the subject as the basis for the movement.

She uses a variety techniques to help her and her clients keep in contact with the earth even when engaged in daily activities- such as sleep, work, and even walking.

“The impact on sleep and stress levels is significant,” she notes.